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All posts in india
Can’t Hide These Chinky Eyes
The other night, I went out for drinks with my new very cool Italian friend Chiara. As we walked through the lively Piazza Navona area of Rome, a group of guys started making their typical cat calls.
But instead of chanting their usual, “Bellissima, bellissima”…
These guys started a chorus of, “Konichiwa, konichiwa.”
For starters, I’m not Japanese. Second of all, that’s stupid.
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My Single Worst Moment in India
It wouldn’t be fair to characterize all my travels with rose-colored glasses and images of pink-tika’d people dancing in joyful circles as described in My Single Favorite Moment in India.
The night of Ganesh Chaturthi will always be remembered as the best night I had in India, and the most joyous of all my travels to date.
It also happened to be the worst.
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Traveling Thy at the Taj Mahal, April 2010