Olympia’s Great Winterstorm of 2012

It’s raining in LA today. A lot of people here like the rain because it’s so rare.

Me, not so much. I grew up in Olympia where we often got more rain than Seattle, and days were wrapped in dreary clouds. I’m not a fan of gray skies and rain makes me mopey. I don’t miss it at all.

But snow! That’s another story. My parents emailed me these pictures from home – they got about a foot of snow last week!

It got me thinking – awww. I kinda miss home. What a shame I’ll never see snow like that here in LA.

But then there’s the ice and dangerous driving conditions…

And then there are the power outages…

And then there are the collapsing trees…

Here’s my dad’s storage shed in the backyard – destroyed!

…And the brief longing for my hometown dies again.

Another tree came just inches from landing on my parents’ house the other day – very scary! And they were lucky to have lost power for only 18 hours, while thousands have been without power for days. Makes me feel rather silly to mope about our little drizzle here in LA. I hope everyone in Oly is safe and warm! And thanks mom and dad for the great photos.

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