As you know, I went to the San Diego Comic-Con to meet my hero Anthony Bourdain. I didn’t much partake in anything else.
I did walk the exhibition floor for a couple hours though and was amazed at how much free STUFF there was. Everything from posters to stickers to headbands to bandanas. Socks and T-shirts, lanyards and tote bags.
The tote bags were especially interesting. And by interesting, I mean absolutely ridiculous. All weekend long, I’d see people carrying these bags – mostly distributed by Warner Brothers – and marveled at how humongous they were. I myself didn’t bother getting one, as I didn’t collect a single piece of swag on the exhibition floor (I was too busy stalking Anthony Bourdain).
But I was pretty sure I could FIT myself into one of those bags. And sure enough, I did.
As a minimalist who feels burdened by things (and who really doesn’t like carrying stuff), I find photographs to be the best swag. Enjoy.

OMG Thy now I could carry you around places hahaha!! 🙂 So awesome, thanks for sharing with us!
Hi Loren! Funny that the bag was from our friends at WB 😉