I have no less than three weeks and 3,400 kilometers worth of travel adventures to share with you since my last post. From the wild times in Rio Carnival to the tropical island of Florianopolis to the incredible Iguazu Falls…I’ll fill you in, promise.
I write you now from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Either I had unreasonably high expectations for this city, or I just miss Brazil too much, but I’m not in love with this place.
What I am in love with is leaving Buenos Aires. To go to a ZOO.
“A zoo?” you ask with skepticism.
Oh. Let me explain. This isn’t your ordinary zoo. This is Zoo Lujan.
I fed a lion
I cuddled with tiger cubs
I pet some hungry tigers
I also kissed a camel and fed an elephant, but those photos just aren’t as cool.
THIS little gem of a photo series here though, ha!
I’m super embarrassed of my gnarly facial expression below, but I just had to post it because it makes me LOL.
This tiger was enjoying a meaty breakfast when I went to touch it. Shortly after I laid my hand on its back, it suddenly stood up and went ape-shit (tiger-shit?) over its meat.
[Insert scream of death and horror!!!] My face? Hilariously priceless.
Bahhahahaha *cry*! Thank you Luciana from Recife for capturing this on camera.
Are these animals sedated? I’ve always wondered that about these types of places (such as the tiger sanctuary I skipped out on when I was in Chiang Mai, Thailand). I don’t have the answer. I do know that the tigers are caged with dogs to keep them docile, and that the cubs were full of spunk and energy when I held them. From what I could see, the animals were treated with care.
Zoo Lujan is located about an hour west of Buenos Aires. Bus #57 from the city’s Palermo district will take you there. Direct shuttles are also available for 35 pesos each way. Entrance to the park is 130 pesos and it is SO worth it.
por tan bellos momentos compartidos juntos
fue algo muy lindo lo que comparti contigo Thy…me dejaste muy enamorado…estare esperando por ti si es que algun dia regresas….me quede muy triste por la manera en que nos despedimos….Rafael
Igualmente 🙂 Send me your email address: travelingthy@gmail.com
Holy Crap Thy! I love your blog! It’s gonna take me days to go through all this. When I grow up, I wanna feed lions and go on great adventures just like you 😉
Anh Phan
Thanks Anh! Still shaking my head in wonderment over how we randomly bumped into each other in Peru…TWENTY years after meeting in my hometown?!?!?!