Now *This* Is What I Call Fresh Sushi

Remember when I was all mopey about being in Nha Trang, Vietnam, and drowning in TV-sitcom-therapy? And then life there got a little more rosy and wonderful? And the weather became brilliant enough to bounce around inside a giant beachball?

Well, it got even better. Let’s add “Fresh Sushi From the Sea” to my Nha Trang scrapbook of escalating awesomeness.

One sunny January day, my cousin Duy and his friends picked me up on a motorbike and drove me an hour south of the city to a remote beach on the South China Sea. We had the whole place to ourselves and the water was amazing! Gorgeous turquoise colors, warm and crystal clear – perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and making some starfishy friends.

We were having a blast. And don’t worry, we put the starfishies back in the water afterwards 🙂

Then all of a sudden, this guy emerged from the water — with a bunch of dead fish hanging from his waistbelt!

Holy crap! I didn’t even know he was there. Turns out he’d arrived before us and had been in the water the whole time – SPEARFISHING! While we were splashing around like children and ooh’ing & ahh’ing over starfish, this guy was a-huntin’ and a-gatherin’ for our next meal! He speared not one, not two……but ELEVEN fish!!!

So…what did we do? Well, first, we paid our respects.

Then we did what any good Asian would do:

We scaled those fishies.

We gutted em.

Sliced em up into perfect portions of sashimi.

And we ate the hell out of em.

Right then and there.

Oh yes we did.

And they were delicious.


  1. chào chị thy! chúng tôi là bạn của duy, da di choi voi thy o viet nam do

  2. xin chao hung! chi nho nha trang! ngay nay vui qua. mai mot minh gap lai nhe! xin loi chi viet tieng viet do lam, hihi 🙂

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