Facebook’s new interface is freaking everybody out. My news feed is flooded with calls to boycott and switch to Google+, and yada yada yada.
Seriously people? You care THAT much about Facebook?
Me thinks you have a little too much time on your hands.
Wait. I’M the one with too much time on my hands! I have no job. I’ve been in my pajamas for three days straight. And quite frankly – I don’t give a shit about the new Facebook changes. I’m totally fine with em.
So no, I guess it’s not a matter of time on hand…I think everyone just loves to be big fat whiney faces and to “like” each other’s big fat whiney face-ness and to comment on each other’s big fat whiney face-ness.
Which is fun, I guess. And what better place to be a big fat whiney face than on Facebook?
This outrage always occurs after Facebook makes changes no one anticipated. Because, you know, change is scaaary! Yeah, you know, things that are “different” from what we’re used to. Things that make us change our habits and routines. Gasp!
In a few days, everyone will get over it, they’ll adapt, and they’ll just keep on keepin’ on with their Facebook ways. As if nothing ever changed, they’ll keep telling me and the rest of the Facebook world about their workout regimens, what amaaazing husbands they have, where they are eating RIGHT NOW.
I’m not hating on anyone. I have dear, dear friends who are guilty of this excessive narcissism and I still love them. Unconditionally. Because in our heart of hearts, we are all narcissists. Why do you think I started this blog? Yeah, because I’m totally in love with myself and I want the whole world to know.
Err, that’s not true either. Not at the moment, at least. I’m actually miserable. I’m lonely. I’m broke. I’m sad. I miss my backpack. I miss life on the road, and Olympia is killing me.
Oh hey, look. I’m whining! I should log back in to Facebook and update my status. See ya!
haha. You said whiney-face. 🙂 I’ve been on on facebook all day and didn’t even really notice any change. Goes to show how much I pay attention. Whateva people. It’s just facebook.
love this quote – pathetic and true: “around the world, people use facebook to protest their government. in the US, people use facebook to protest changes to facebook.”