Three Things That Make Me Giggle in Cambodia

I took a quick trip to Cambodia last week, my second one this year. First time around was in June – I spent a month visiting Angkor Wat, volunteering at a school in Kampot, beach-bumming in Sihanoukville, getting edumacated about the Khmer Rouge, trying to rescue some animals at a poorly run zoo.

This time, it was strictly Angkor Wat (which is amazing and massive and impossible to see in its entirety in two visits), and an afternoon at a very sad minority village that broke my heart, which I’ll write about later.

On a more happy note, being in Cambodia again reminded me of three things that make me giggle in this country:

1. My uber sexy boyfriend, the cigarette smoking orangutan

2. This little convenience store – it’s not 7-Eleven, bitches, it’s…6-Eleven

3. And these grammatically hilarious massage ads all over Siem Reap


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