…me! The Oscar goes to ME!
Did you sleep through the Oscars like I did? Good gawd, what a snoozefest.
I usually LOVE watching the Academy Awards show – printing out ballot sheets, making well-researched predictions, actually giving a hoot who wins. But I’m so behind on movies this year (I’ve been too busy eating) that I just couldn’t get into all the hype. Even the red carpet shenanigans of Sasha Baron Cohen and the alleged J.Lo nip slip didn’t amuse me.
So I thought I’d put on my own little Oscar show here on my blog. I’ve twice had the opportunity to hold a real Oscar, and here are the photos!
(‘Cause, you know, there simply aren’t enough photos of me on here.)
Pictured above is me 5 years ago holding the Best Picture Oscar for Million Dollar Baby.
I can’t explain why it looks like I’m taking a dump. But I can tell you that the statuette is alarmingly heavy.
Below are me and my cousin a few months ago holding that same Oscar. She and her hubby (who you met in my Un-Traveling Thy post) were visiting LA last November, and I arranged for a private tour of the Warner Bros. studio lot just down the street from my old apartment. My buddies there hooked us up with exclusive access to the studio’s top-security Oscar room. It’s a gorgeous room lined with lit, glass cases stocked with Oscar statuettes dating back to the 1930s! Pretty cool.
After disarming the room and unlocking a glass case, my buddy handed us the precious gold statuette. It’s 13.5 inches tall, weighs 8.5 pounds and is plated with 24-karat gold. It’s pretty serious business.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to win something so coveted. But I do know what it’s like to hold it. That said…
I’d like to thank my buddies at WB for always being so good to me. My cousin and her hubby for spending the day with me (it was actually my birthday, come to think of it!). I’d like to thank my family for just being awesome. And lastly, I’d like to thank The Academy…for putting me fast asleep last night. Zzzzzzz.