My favorite Swede has been visiting Los Angeles for the last couple weeks. Every single day Maja has been here, she’s marveled at how amazing the weather is. Even more so, she’s in LOVE with our beaches.
With Halloween just around the corner, we wanted to carve pumpkins – and where better to carve a pumpkin in the middle of October than on the beach?
And what better beach for two barefoot, bikini-clad girls to run around with pumpkins, wielding a carving knife?
Venice Beach, of course! Any other beach in the world, Maja and I would’ve looked like a pair of freaks. But in the freak show that is Venice Beach, we were perfectly normal.
Surrounded by sunbathers and fellow weirdos, Maja and I spent more time laughing and enjoying the sand between our toes and the pumpkin innards all over our hands, than actually carving anything. Our finished products weren’t particularly exciting, but like all true adventures, the fun was to be had in the journey.
Happy Halloween everyone!